I'm not sure why I did this

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ɔ ɥ ɐ u ɔ ǝ ɹ
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Even with the land it just means I have 8 neighbors instead of 2 or 3!
and we have an easement to get to our house through the neighbors property and she is still a mean old nasty witch about it.
Funny cause we were here first, and she knew before she bought! Plus we paid to have the drive way paved, and they use the same driveway. She was complainng about the kids walking on the "HER PROPERTY" the driveway. I had to let her know we owned the asphalt!

People are just screwed up not matter what you do.
BBQJoe has the right idea, 80 acres in the middle of now where AZ. nobody bothers him, except the occasional Jehovas Witness!


Yardcart 196
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Savannah G.A.
I have an early 80s trx 300( I think ) bought it WAY used, no plastics , no brakes . In the year I've had it done nothing but keep oil in it and it hasn't given me any problems.( did put Suzuki back plastics on it )
Love this thing, starts at first push of starter button every time ; built like a tank imo


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I have my ignition, I tried to get it started the other night and had spark, but must not be getting fuel for some reason. Haven't looked into it any further yet.


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West Michigan, 49331
People are just screwed up not matter what you do.
BBQJoe has the right idea, 80 acres in the middle of now where AZ. nobody bothers him, except the occasional Jehovas Witness!

I'm probably going to get banned for this story, but it's true, and it's funny....

I grew up on the family farm (and at least for the moment I still own a small piece of it). At that time, we raised pigs, as well as various crops. Most of our herd lived in out door enclosures: large pens with barns for shelter. The problem came with winter in Michigan. You put feed in one end of the critter...... something comes out the other end. And when the temperature is below freezing, guess what else freezes.

Come spring, you have a small window of opportunity between when things start to thaw, and when the ground catches up and turns into mud. The top layer is thawed (including the aroma), the rest you bust up with spud bars and a front end loader used in anger. And since I was just 15 (my brother 11 month's younger), all the heavy lifting happened on the weekend.

On one particular Saturday afternoon, we were working on the last large pen, with maybe ~1 to 2 hour's to go and be done with it. That's when a small car full of people comes up the driveway. 4~5 people get out. They wanted to talk with us, but we just wanted to get the job done; my Dad yelled over to them (they were ~75 yard's away) that if they wanted to talk, they'd have to come over.

They milled around the car for several minutes; papered the front door of the house and the windshields of a couple of vehicles and left. Which begs the question.... Which was stronger? Their beliefs? Or the smell of hog manure??????


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Idk lol, I only let it run as long as that video, it's very much PAFR at this point lol. On the bright side, it didn't explode, or seem to knock, so it should be a OK.
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