Functional Artist
Well-known member
Very good questionI could not understand why did you have to put the front wheel at an angular position and also inward. Sorry to annoy but a newbie here.
It's called Castor & Camber
Castor, from what I understand, setting the castor angle a few degrees (usually ~8* - 10*) toward the back, just aids the steering in "auto-centering"
...ta help ya go straight & it not drive all "squirrely" (technical term)
So, the more degrees ya set 'er back
...the faster & harder it wants to "auto-center" or "self-center"
*Think like a house door mounted in a crooked frame
Because it's on a bit of an angle (the castor set a few degrees back) it doesn't want to stay open
...& just keeps wanting to swing shut (auto-center)
Camber, If the wheels are angled outwards (even just a bit) they tend to make the steering kinda "squirrely"
If the front wheels are angled inwards (just a bit) it seems ta help stabilize the steering.
Having both front wheels "in alignment" will usually work fine on most karts
...these adjustments just help to "fine tune" the steering
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