I've Created a Monster

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Warwick Qld, Australia
You gonna clearcoat all your polished stuff?

My buddy asked the same question the other day so there must be some truth in it; I was always told that paint won't stick to a shiny surface...

They also make some rub-on stuff that'll prevent it from clouding back up.

I have some liquid metal polish I was intending to use as a "top up"; a quick rub with a few drops & a soft cloth & they'll be good as new :)


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West Michigan, 49331

Oh, man, Tony, I sure hope this go's away soon (not the ankle, that'll heal all by itself). I used to work with a serious gear head who had the experience (and the work shop!!!!) to build award winning show cars. what burnt him out, and almost cost him his marriage, was when he tried to build the most polished car in the Midwest. Long story short, if he counted his time, he sold the thing about 80~85% complete after 2 1/2 years to try and salvage the marriage for round 3 cents on the dollar if you counted his time. That was over twenty years ago.

Ran across him last year, asked him how he was doing. He and the family were doing good; he told me that selling that thing was the best move he ever made. He won't even wax his own car anymore; take it in, drop it off, pick it up, and the bug goes away for awhile.....

Be careful; you're playing with fire.....:surrender::surrender:

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Warwick Qld, Australia
The things to remember here are:
1. I'm currently single
2. I'm a full time carer with 2-3 hour windows here & there
3. Most of my friends & family live at least 30-45 minutes away

All that being said, I have nothing but time... If I was to count every minute I've spent on my kart (not just build time but R&D) the thing would be worth thousands, as would my daughters kart...

Everything I've done over the last 3 & a half years was to fill in time. I'm not the kind of person who can sit around & do nothing; "idle hands are the devils playground." :thumbsup:

That's the significant difference between a job & a hobby, you don't expect payment for your time on a hobby, you do it for the love of it; a job you do to pay the bills & support said hobby...

Thanks for the warning though...
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