Hello from NJ

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Pinebarrens NJ
Hello everyone, I started on a cart for my daughter about a year and 1/2 ago and it ended up being put on hold for various reasons but now she is 6 yrs old and is fully aware of what that thing in the shed is and who it's for, it's been about a month or 2 since she figured it out, so needless to say I'm getting ready to start working on it again.
A little about myself, I am 35, married with one daughter and live in Southern NJ, by trade I am a diesel mechanic but am currently disabled due to a back injury, by hobby and side business I am a blacksmith, welder/fabricator, machinist and metalcaster.
I have been riding and building since I was 5, I have owned and riden just about every thing there is on 2,3 & 4 wheels, however due to my back I don't ride much anymore and sold just about everthing I had except my Grandfather's 68' HD Sportster and a 05' Honda Rubicon 500 4x4, the Sportster I keep for sentimental reasons and the Honda I keep because it is a workhoarse around the home and shop.
That's enough rambling, I'll post some pics once I get started again, probably in the next month or so, I have to get my shop cleaned up first and since I hurt my back things take me forever.



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Good to have you here. Tough thing with that back. I hope there
is a way to help that. But you know I built a kart for my son and
I enjoyed that more than the one I made for myself. And designing and planning can be done in any position and just about
anywhere and that's where a lot of the fun is. Stay positive
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