Hey from Australia

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Australia, Perth
Hey my names brendon, im 15 and from Perth in AUS.

Ive been into engines for around a year and got my first engine which is a 30cc ryobi whipper snipper ( weed wacker ) about 6-7 months ago from the shed. It hadnt been used in around 10 years but didnt take long to get going. I built a motorized bike with this engine using friction drive. When i first started i didnt even no wat a carby did and know i no quite a bit.

Next i got another whipper snipper for 5 bucks which wasn't working, fixed it up and now use it around the house as i pulled apart the old one. This one is 31cc and has a clutch which is better.

I then got 2 4hp briggs and stratton lawnmowers for free laying on the side of the road. They were very messy and didnt work, they had about 3cm of dirt on them everywhere. It took me a couple of days to fix as at that time i still didnt no a lot about engines. One of my dads friends told me theres a set of points under the flywheel and there probably dirty. I took off the flywheel and cleaned up the points, sure enough it worked!

I then bought a 49cc bicycle engine kit of zbox.com.au and fit that to a bike. I ride around on it and its fun to ride. Im still in the break in stage so im suppose to stick to 20km/h. Ive got up to about 50-55km on it when it was at around 3/4 throttle. Once im past break in it will go faster and i can go full a lot.

Then a week ago i got a reel lawnmower with a 2.5hp briggs on it for free from a guy on the internet. He just said anyone in the area who wants it can pick it up so i did. Again it didnt spark so i checked the points and had it running great in 4 hours. Obviously the guy has tried to get it working but didnt really no what he was doing as it has a brand new filter in it and a full crankcase with new oil right to the top in it. I removed the governor and tuned the carby, i also changed the throttle setup as it was connected to the governor previously.

Now i want to make a mini bike so im going to go to my local kart shop soon ( maybe today ) and buy a 12T clutch and 72T sprocket. Then ill buy some trolley or wheelbarrow tires and start building my frame. Im going to use some suspension forks from a bike for the front forks so i got some suspension. Holidays are in 2 weeks so i should have my bike finished in around a month or so.


New member
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Australia, Perth
I gotta go to school now but when i get back ill upload pics of all my stuff. The zbox engine has enough torque to power an average male up hills with a little bit of pedal assist to get it to go faster. U can get up to about 50-60km on them and the kits are cheap and come with everything. Throttle, sprocket, clutch lever, spare gaskets, heavy duty chain, engine ect.
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