DIY Tube Notcher


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Nova Scotia, Canada
Hello All,
Came across this DIY Tube Notcher on this DIY CNC Website and I followed it's link to a reddit post, And first thing I thought was what if someone on here could find a use for something like this but on a shorter length and maybe change where the tube fits onto the 3 jaw chuck to a through Hole? I don't imagine that it would be too hard to modify it bit. Your thoughts?

Quote a question from Reddit from around 9 years ago:
"Is it actually CNC ? or is it just following pre programmed routines ? I mean can you post out any thing you draw in mastercam, fusion360, whatever cad/cam you use to it and it will cut it ?
Or only certain things that have been hard coded into it ?"

The reply quote: "We take the 3D model of the tube, flatten it out and then use the flat pattern in the CAM software to generate G code. The machine thinks it is operating on a flat plane XY but we have the rotary axis acting as Y. We actually have configurations for each tubing diameter we cut because 1 rotation equates to different travel distances because the circumference of the tube changes. It's not a big deal but we did have to account for it." unquote
