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  1. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Yeah you're right I misinterpreted. Def go with a mig machine and start out with flux wire until you get comfortable. Then get some gas if you really want to.
  2. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Agreed but if OP is a newbie doing hobby work gas is not critical.
  3. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Jeez they really emptied your pockets. I payed 220 for my 80 cu filled (100% argon) + $30 dollar regulator (not a dual valve regulator but still). $25 for a refill. Still wouldn’t start with gas.
  4. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Keep in mind this is his first welder. No problem with going for a welder that uses gas, but it’s much cheaper and much less hassle for a beginner. I’m not saying that mig or tig is a huge hassle compared to stick or FCAW but as a beginner that adds a lot of variables (gas flow, adequate...
  5. B

    Kickstart for Small Engine

    Is there any way in which a kickstart could be mounted to a leaf blower engine? I have a husqvarna 350bt engine going in a mini dirt bike, and without the large plastic flywheel, it is very hard to pullstart. Is there any way I can rig one up either custom or through a kit of some kind?
  6. B

    Having a mind freak moment...

    I’m no expert and I understand you said you know you need comet belts, but I’m almost certain that’s the problem. Those Chinese belts are basically made from chewing gum. Your setup alignment looks good to me, it’s just those things aren’t meant to last. Get yourself a comet belt.
  7. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Didn’t even know snap-on made welders. That’s hilarious. Stick to tools snap-on 😆.
  8. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Have to disagree with you here. I have the century fc-90, and I can tell you firsthand it is the best beginner machine you could buy (for FCAW). I wouldn’t go with mig for your first welder tbh. I recently bought a tig machine and while it’s fun it’s a pain in the rear to haul around all the...
  9. B

    Welder purchase advice?

    Probably the Lincoln-Electric AC225 stick welder. They’re commonly called that.
  10. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    No, it is premix. We have figured out that the carburetor. Ordered an aftermarket carb to try out so I’ll update when that comes in. For now will tinker with the existing carb.
  11. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    Okay so I tried a few things today. I tried adjusting the fuel mix screw. I had to slowly drill out the plastic plug and then adjust the screw. Great, so I run it, sounds better, tinker with that for a bit. I try again a bit later to get it going again but no luck. For about an hour I’m...
  12. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    Gotcha, I’ll look into that, Thanks.
  13. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    I can check the jets tomorrow, but how do I adjust timing? Would it be timing of fuel intake or timing of ignition? How would that normally be adjusted on a similar engine? I can send picture if needed.
  14. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    So great news. We’ve got her running but it’s not revving up. We are somewhere around idle probably +/- 50 rpm from it, and whenever we pull the throttle cable it begins to die/ dies depending on how much throttle we are giving it. Can you give me any tips? We tried letting it idle for about 5...
  15. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    Can anyone explain the pull start being jittery. Basically I can feel (in my shoulder) every turn of the clutch and the piston going up and down. I literally just replaced the piston and cylinder. Is it possible that the plastic impeller/ flywheel that the clutch meshes with being off is...
  16. B

    Go kart won’t stop running when I start it

    Take the bolt out of the crankshaft (I believe it’s a size 15 hex head) hold the shaft with some vice grips clamped onto a paper towel and then loosen it. Frog is right, the c-clip can be removed and clutch inspected. Sometimes not worth messing with, can alway buy new one for $15 if it is...
  17. B

    Rpm vs torque and power

    I have a little two stroke bike I’m building, and I was just wondering how rpm works vs. net power. The two stroke I’m rebuilding makes 7000 rpm while my four stroke go kart only makes 3000 rpm. The go kart engine is obviously considerably bigger and obviously makes more torque, but if geared...
  18. B

    Husqvarna two stroke

    Cylinder and piston are fixed, everything is on, new gasket, new rings etc. Pull start is very jittery. As in it stops and starts, I can pull it but can feel every single time it turns over, is not smooth. Would it need to be connected to the plastic flywheel/impeller for the added bit of...
  19. B

    Expansion chamber for leaf blower motor?

    Good to know, that’s pretty nifty. I’ll definitely be running one of them, need to do more research on hydro forming.
  20. B

    Expansion chamber for leaf blower motor?

    Can anyone direct me to where I might be able to find info on how to size the chamber? Is there a certain diameter of expansion chamber per cc or something?