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  1. B

    Go kart questions

    Yea, that's all it is. The bigger rlv's are loud. My son changed to the smaller 1", theres a big difference.
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    Full range of tuning TC's...Done for now...Very Happy over stock

    Here's a driver spring chart. I didn't see you mention any thing about you changing driver springs earlier. The stock springs engage around 2200. Anything lower and it might not pull, or be a complete turd off the line. I go straight to 2600-3000 on stock 212s. That carb change, gov delete...
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    Go kart questions

    As mentioned earlier, a slip on with clamp is gonna be your best option. Measure the outside diameter of you header before ordering. You are gonna need to brace it as jimd mentioned. If no brace, the header will break at the flange. Heres a rlv silencer. The smaller, the less noise, but they...
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    New to karts with grandson!

    Welcome!!!! You better get started, that young fella looks ready to go!!!!!
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    Gear Ratio Pickle on EZGO Conversion

    That's definitely worth a try. If that jackshaft is 3/4", I think a 10t is the smallest. 5/8" jackshafts can go to a 8t. But thats a lot of power being applied to a 5/8" shaft. But, I would try it anyway, 😂. It wouldn't be the 1st time I broke something. And thats how we learn.
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    Gear Ratio Pickle on EZGO Conversion

    I doubt it. The larger diameter driven will be more low geared. A smaller driven and /or larger driver would drop gear ratio for you. But I wouldn't even know where to start looking for that.
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    Gear Ratio Pickle on EZGO Conversion

    He just lives in the next town from me. Never met him, seems like a nice enough fella.
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    Torque Converter Issues

    Can you get more pics with all parts somewhere near the correct position??? It would help to see what's going on. On karts that didn't come with a t/c from factory, I always have to build another engine plate. It usally ends up being 3" higher and welded in place to line up the sprockets. That...
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    Gear Ratio Pickle on EZGO Conversion

    Gas golf carts are really low geared. I haven't worked on many. Some had the governor in the transmission, that was definitely new to me, and some had governor in the engine. They all have really big t/c drivers, drivens and belts. Like you see on Polaris, or snowmobiles. I'd say they are...
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    Newbie Yerf Dog 30032 Need Advice

    @goflight2 We gonna do some more testing & tuning today, or take a break??? With that extra 600 rpm you found, I gotta recommend you get that aluminum flywheel and key on asap, or you will end up with something like this. This will make for a bad day, with the time and money you have...
  11. B

    Looking to find what double seat and seatbelts would work on this cart. I was told its a carter bros.

    He should have an ez chair and cup holder on it by now, 😂
  12. B

    Gear Ratio Pickle on EZGO Conversion

    4500 rpm is about all I'm seeing big blocks around here get up to. They got that big power coming in at 2500-4000. Most are running 4-8:1 rear gear, depends on 1 or 2 seater, gear boxes and tire height. They got that big hill climbing, low rpm thumping power and still run 40+ mph on the flat...
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    Gear Ratio Pickle on EZGO Conversion

    That's a fast way to learn those torquey big blocks dont need a bunch of gear. 😂 😂 You are in a pickle. Thats 4 gear reductions. And no room to change sprockets. that fnr box MIGHT be 2:1 forward and 2.6:1 reverse. Maybe worded wrong on website. You gotta tach on there??? I know it has...
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    Live Axle kit weight

    I'm glad we wasn't holding our breath, 😂
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    Lets talk fly wheels predator 212

    Just a lil advice. dont get hung up on the big rpm, high hp bs. It's takes 1 hellava engine to turn 7500+ rpm. Everybody and their mothers mother will sell you the parts for a 7500+ rpm build. But, it's really not that simple. When you build an engine to turn 7500+, it takes away all the low...
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    Newbie Yerf Dog 30032 Need Advice

    That's what I was looking for!!!!! You are gear bound, fine sir. Now, the question is.......what is your goal mph. Be honest with yourself. Look very closely at your, steering, brakes and all the other things that can fail at speed and make you......DEAD. I'm really being serious here.
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    Newbie Yerf Dog 30032 Need Advice

    What's rpm??? Looking for a lil rpm gain here. It's probably gear bound. That 224 makes more torque then the stock ohv tec engine. It don't need really big rpm to move the same weight as the smaller tec engine did. Make sense???? 😂 it will. More torque means, less gear. Less gear, means...
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    Lets talk fly wheels predator 212

    Th They have different crankshaft tapers. The predator 212 HEMI has a crankshaft taper of its own kind. No other small block flywheel will work. The only alternative is a billet. The pred 212 NON HEMI has a crankshaft taper that is very, very, very close to the more popular clone taper...
  19. B

    Torque numbers rod bolts

    Here ya go. This is what I use for every small block clone type OHV engine. After market rods NEED to be torqued to manufactures spec, they differ.
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    Torque numbers rod bolts

    It's me, my other phone went black screen the other day. Stock rods, I use oil and torque to spec. I'll sent you those in a bit. After market rods are different, with assembly lube and oil. Brb